Reverse Dry: Turn Your Laundry Green

June 01, 2024

It's the one red sock that can make any wash-day a disaster. Just when you think you have sorted all of your colors, bam! Everything is pink. Going green has nothing to do with changing your laundry colors and everything to do with our environment and, you know, saving you a little green.

According to Colorado State University, drying your clothing accounts for 75% of your laundry's total carbon footprint. That's a lot! So does this mean we need to step back a few decades and hang up a clothesline? No, but sun-washed linens do feel pretty nice. Whether you have had your dryer for years, maybe decades or just purchased a newer model, chances are you might not know about reverse drying.

This isn't like the toilets in New Zealand; reverse drying is a feature that some newer models of dryers come with and could benefit you and your bottom "clothes line" (see what I did there?). If you have an older dryer that is not only eating your socks and leaving you with a load of damp towels, this laundry PSA is for you!

What is Reverse Dry?

To put it simply, it is a dryer that is capable of reversing the drum mid-cycle. Have you ever put a load of wet laundry into the dryer only to pull out a large knot of tangled clothing? Even worse, this might happen a few times during the drying cycle. Albert Einstein said, "Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different outcomes is the definition of insanity." Reverse drying can solve that problem, which means less wear and tear on your clothing and linens and reduces the drying time. Don't have reverse drying at home? Wash Works, located at 169 Hancock St. in Springfield, MA, has brand new Speed Queen machines with reverse drying as a feature. No more twisting and tangling during the drying process and the time it takes to wash and dry will have you finished in about an hour.

Doing your part, one laundry load at a time.

If you had a choice to save money, time, and the environment, would you do it? It's a no-brainer, but we get comfortable with routine, even if it means sitting on the floor of the laundry room, untangling the drawstring from your favorite sweatpants that is wrapped around an entire load of laundry. Maybe visiting a laundromat is not feasible for your schedule. Did you know that Wash Works has a laundry pick-up service? No, this does not mean you are being lazy or that you are boujee, but you are being smart with your time and helping the environment. This means less travel, less energy, and more time in your day. Together we can help each other and help the environment one laundry load at a time.

Find a Local Laundromat

If you are sold on the idea of using reverse dry, visit to find out what works best for your lifestyle. The new facility in Springfield, MA did not skimp on any details when it comes to quality and the customer service is unmatched.

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